
Area Code 353

Area code 353 is in Wisconsin, USA , spanning 19 counties and serving 181 cities, including Madison, Beloit or Sun Prairie.

In service since September 15, 2023, area code 353 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 608/353.

The current local time is .

353 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 353 area code map

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Cities in area code 353

City1 County Time2
Adams Adams C
Afton Rock C
Albany Green C
Alma Buffalo C
Arcadia Trempealeau C
Arena Iowa C
Argyle Lafayette C
Arkdale Adams C
Arlington Columbia C
Avalon Rock C
Avoca Iowa C
Bagley Grant C
Bangor La Crosse C
Baraboo Sauk C
Barneveld Iowa C
Beetown Grant C
Belleville Dane C
Belmont Lafayette C
Beloit Rock C
Benton Lafayette C
Black Earth Dane C
Blair Trempealeau C
Blanchardville Lafayette C
Bloomington Grant C
Blue Mounds Dane C
Blue River Grant C
Boscobel Grant C
Briggsville Marquette C
Brodhead Green C
Brooklyn Green C
Browntown Green C
Cambridge Dane C
Camp Douglas Juneau C
Cashton Monroe C
Cassville Grant C
Cataract Monroe C
Cazenovia Richland C
Chaseburg Vernon C
Clinton Rock C
Cobb Iowa C
Cochrane Buffalo C
Coon Valley Vernon C
Cottage Grove Dane C
Cross Plains Dane C
Cuba City Grant C
Dane Dane C
Darlington Lafayette C
De Forest Dane C
De Soto Vernon C
Deerfield Dane C
Dellwood Adams C
Dickeyville Grant C
Dodge Trempealeau C
Dodgeville Iowa C
Eastman Crawford C
Edgerton Rock C
Edmund Iowa C
Elroy Juneau C
Endeavor Marquette C
Ettrick Trempealeau C
Evansville Rock C
Fennimore Grant C
Ferryville Crawford C
Footville Rock C
Fountain City Buffalo C
Friendship Adams C
Galesville Trempealeau C
Gays Mills Crawford C
Genoa Vernon C
Glen Haven Grant C
Gotham Richland C
Grand Marsh Adams C
Gratiot Lafayette C
Hanover Rock C
Hazel Green Grant C
Highland Iowa C
Hillpoint Sauk C
Hillsboro Vernon C
Hollandale Iowa C
Holmen La Crosse C
Hustler Juneau C
Janesville Rock C
Juda Green C
Kendall Monroe C
Kieler Grant C
La Crosse La Crosse C
La Farge Vernon C
La Valle Sauk C
Lake Delton Sauk C
Lancaster Grant C
Lime Ridge Sauk C
Linden Iowa C
Livingston Grant C
Lodi Columbia C
Loganville Sauk C
Lone Rock Richland C
Lyndon Station Juneau C
Lynxville Crawford C
Madison Dane C
Marshall Dane C
Mather Juneau C
Mauston Juneau C
Mazomanie Dane C
Mc Farland Dane C
Melrose Jackson C
Merrimac Sauk C
Middleton Dane C
Milton Rock C
Mindoro La Crosse C
Mineral Point Iowa C
Monroe Green C
Montello Marquette C
Montfort Grant C
Monticello Green C
Morrisonville Dane C
Mount Hope Grant C
Mount Horeb Dane C
Mount Sterling Crawford C
Muscoda Grant C
Necedah Juneau C
New Glarus Green C
New Lisbon Juneau C
North Freedom Sauk C
Norwalk Monroe C
Oakdale Monroe C
Onalaska La Crosse C
Ontario Vernon C
Oregon Dane C
Orfordville Rock C
Oxford Marquette C
Packwaukee Marquette C
Pardeeville Columbia C
Patch Grove Grant C
Plain Sauk C
Platteville Grant C
Portage Columbia C
Potosi Grant C
Poynette Columbia C
Prairie Du Chien Crawford C
Prairie Du Sac Sauk C
Readstown Vernon C
Reedsburg Sauk C
Rewey Iowa C
Richland Center Richland C
Ridgeway Iowa C
Rock Springs Sauk C
Rockland La Crosse C
Sauk City Sauk C
Seneca Crawford C
Sextonville Richland C
Shullsburg Lafayette C
Sinsinawa Grant C
Soldiers Grove Crawford C
South Wayne Lafayette C
Sparta Monroe C
Spring Green Sauk C
Steuben Crawford C
Stitzer Grant C
Stoddard Vernon C
Stoughton Dane C
Sun Prairie Dane C
Tomah Monroe C
Trempealeau Trempealeau C
Tunnel City Monroe C
Union Center Juneau C
Verona Dane C
Viola Vernon C
Viroqua Vernon C
Warrens Monroe C
Waunakee Dane C
Wauzeka Crawford C
West Salem La Crosse C
Westby Vernon C
Westfield Marquette C
Wilton Monroe C
Windsor Dane C
Wisconsin Dells Columbia C
Wonewoc Juneau C
Woodford Lafayette C
Woodman Grant C
Wyocena Columbia C
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 353. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. C stands for Central Time (currently ).